
Light Meter

The LI-250A is a portable meter that displays the output from any LI-COR light sensor that has a cable terminated with a BNC connector. It shows instantaneous values or 15-second averages of values from a sensor.

The LI-250A automatically selects a sensitivity range to optimize accuracy and resolution for a given sensor. It provides a wide dynamic range for high-resolution measurements, even in low-light conditions.

LI-250A Features

Over 150 hours of operation from a single 9-vott battery
Automatic shut-off after 20 minutes of activity
O-ring sealed case for wheather protection
Compatible with the LI-190R, LI-191R, LI-192, LI-193, LI-200R or LI-210R.
Easy-to-enter calibration multipliers make it simple to change between sensors.

LI-250A Specifications

Warranty: 1 year parts and labor.
Weight: 0.26 kg (0.57 lbs).
Storage Conditions: -55 to 60 °C, 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing).
Operating Conditions: 0 to 55 °C, 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing).
Sensitivity: Typically 7 μA per 1,000 μmol s-1 m-2 in water.
Linearity: Maximum deviation of 1% up to 10,000 μmol s-1 m-2.
  • 25 °C: Typically ± 0.4% of reading ± 3 counts on the least significant digit displayed (all ranges).
  • 0 - 55 °C: Typically ± 0.6% of reading ± 3 counts on the least significant digit displayed (all ranges).
Range Selection: Autoranging (3 ranges).


Sensor Range Resolution
Quantum 0-199 µmol s-1 m-2
0.01 µmol s-1 m-2
Pyranometer 0-19 W m-2
0.001 W m-2
Photometric 0-1999 lux
0-19999 lux
0-199 klux
0.1 lux
0.01 klux

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